Blogs & Tutorials Page

Node.js Backend Tutorials - YelpCamp

Node.js Backend Tutorials made for The Web Developer Bootcamp course YelpCamp project


Mac - local coding environment

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a local coding environment for your Mac OS X operating system


Windows - local coding environment

[Video Tutorials Available] This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a local coding environment for your Windows operating system


Linux Ubuntu - local coding environment

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a local coding environment for your Linux Ubuntu operating system


How to use a MongoDB Atlas database in your Node.js app

This guide covers the setup steps for a database from, since it was acquired by MongoDB Atlas


How to set up Visual Studio Code with Git Bash on Windows

This tutorial covers the installation of Visual Studio Code and configuring it to work with an integrated Git Bash terminal on your Windows operating system


How to install Git and Git Bash on Windows

This tutorial covers the installation of Git and GitHub on your Windows operating system


How to install Node.js via nvm on Windows

Video tutorial now avaible here: This tutorial will guide you through the steps of installing Node.js via the command line, using nvm (Node Version Manager)


How to install MySQL 8 for development in Windows

This tutorial covers the installation and configuration of MySQL version 8 for your local development environment in Windows


How to install MongoDB for development in Windows

Video tutorial now avaible here: This tutorial will guide you on how to install and configure MongoDB for your local development environment in Windows
